The purpose of Possible Music is simple: to cleanse the doors of musical perception and prepare our selves for the higher potentialities of human existence that shimmer through the best music. Mostly I'll be posting links to recordings with some commentary, but I'll also be sharing other forms of content as well (images, texts, poetry, random musings).
Many years ago (in 2009), I started a music blog called Acousmata to document my musical interests and investigations as they then existed, and to have an outlet to help me survive the hothouse of graduate school. That lasted until 2013, when work and family duties, combined with a general sense of things having run their course, led me to stop posting. Ten years later, and with a new sense of musical reality influenced primarily by my deepening engagement with creative music and non-European traditions, I'm back at it with a new music blog called Possible Music.
The purpose of Possible Music is simple: to cleanse the doors of musical perception and prepare our selves for the higher potentialities of human existence that shimmer through the best music. Mostly I'll be posting links to recordings with some commentary, but I'll also be sharing other forms of content as well (images, texts, poetry, random musings). |
July 2024